
Officers of the Lodge 

Invested 7th October 2022







D of C:


Ch Stwd:

Mentoring Coordinator:



Asst D of C:

Asst Secretary:





W Bro E Mitchinson

Bro B Bamborough

Bro D Robson

W Bro B Rogers PPSGD

W.Bro SP Swansbury PM, Prov SGW

W Bro J Cox PM, PPGStwd

W.Bro D Dorward, PM, PPGGW

W Bro N Reekie PM, PJGD, P (Dist) SGW (Nigeria)

W Bro S Hanby PPGeg

W Bro W Telfer PM

W Bro K Allen PPrAGDC

Bro A Wilkinson

W Bro N Reekie PM, PJGD, P (Dist), SGW (Nigeria)

Bro K Showler

Bro R Berry

Bros C Bryant, RDavison, L Hamilton, P Wilkinson, M Scott,, J Hull

W Bro I Wardle (HM) (Nautilus Lodge No 4259) 

W Bro W Telfer PM

Founders of the Lodge

Consecrated 17th September 1949

W Bro CF Catherall

W Bro WH Turnbull

Bro JJ Reavley

W Bro WE McClement

W Bro WS Martin

Bro E Sparks

W Bro F Turvey

Bro AR Riley

Bro FH McClement BEM

Bro JM Bolton

W Bro TF Reay

Bro RM Mills

W Bro HH Alder 

Bro CF McFetrich

Bro NF Taylor

Bro AEB Galliford

Bro WH Hardy

Bro RS Byers

Past Masters of the Lodge

1949 *W Bro C.F. Catherall, PPGW (H.M)

1950 *W Bro H. Alder

1951 *W Bro A.E.B. Galliford, PPG (H.M)

1952 *W Bro A.R. Riley PAGDC, PPJGW

1953 *W Bro T.F. Reay PPGD

1954 *W Bro C. McFetrich, OBE

1955 *W Bro W.H. Hardy

1956 *W Bro J.J. Reavley PPGSwdB                                                             

1957 *W Bro E.W. Sparkes PPGD (H.M)

1958 *W Bro S.C. Birney, PAGSWks

1959 *W Bro F.E. Townsend

1960 *W Bro J.E. Johnson, BEM

1961 *W Bro A. Smith PAGDC, PPGW (H.M)

1962 *W Bro C. Wooley

1963 *W Bro R. Tweddell, PPGD, (H.M)

1964   W Bro J.W Wells PPJGW (H.M)

1965 *W Bro W.S Chappel

1966 +W Bro J.H. Alder PPJGW

1967 *W Bro E Freeman-Davis, PPAGDC

1968 *W Bro R. Marshall PPAGDC

1969 +W Bro J Fair

1970 *W Bro S. Blakie PPGSwdB

1971 *W Bro R. Clarke PPSGD (H.M)

1972 *W Bro R.H. Kaye, PPAGDC

1973 *W Bro S. Davis PPJGD (H.M)

1974 +W Bro J. D. Kendrew

1975 *W Bro L. Common

1976 *W Bro S.C Birney PAGSWks (H.M)

1977 *W Bro K. Kynock

1978 *W Bro JM Scott

1979 *W Bro J. Hunter

1980 *W Bro T. Smith, PPGReg

1981 *W Bro F.J. Hawker, PAGDC

1982 *W Bro A.E. Ross

1983 *W Bro J.C. Albrow

1984 *W Bro K.F. Peer

1985 *W Bro J. W. Peacock PPJGD

1986   W Bro E.W. Blakie, PPGStB.

1987 *W Bro K.F. Peer

1988 *W Bro E.H. Ward

1989   W Bro E. Stewart PPGReg.

1990   W Bro E. Stewart PPGReg.

1991 +W Bro T.M. Rae (Jn) PPAGDC

1992 +W Bro KG Myers

1993 *W Bro T.M. Rae, PPGSwdB. (H.M)

1994 +W Bro A Fairbairn PGSWks

1995   W Bro N. Reekie PJGD. P (Dist) SGW (Nigeria)

1996 +W Bro G Rumford PAGDC, PPrGSec

1997 +W Bro G Rumford PAGDC, PPrGSec

1998 *W Bro T.M. Rae, PPGSwd.B. (H.M)

1999 +W Bro T.M. Rae (Jn) PPAGDofC

2000 +W Bro G. Rumford, PAGDC, PPSGW, PPrGSec

2001 +W Bro G. Rumford, PAGDC, PPSGW, PPrGSec

2002   W Bro DW Andrews, PPGStB

2003 +W Bro S. Hansom,

2004 +W Bro D.J.M. Lawson, PPJGD

2005 *W Bro P.G. Cromby, PPGStB (H.M)  

2006   W Bro D. Dorward, PPrJGW

2007 *W Bro A.G. Hughes, PPJGW

2008   W Bro G. Crossley, PPJGW                  

2009 +W Bro A. Nilsen, PPGStwd

2010   W Bro G Crossley, PJGD, PPGAlm.    

2011   W Bro DT Gowland, PPJGW.               

2012   W Bro J Cummings, PPGSuptWks (H.M)

2013   W Bro SP Swansbury PPrGStwd

2014   W Bro G. Crossley, PPJGW

2015   W Bro G. Crossley, PPJGW

2016   W Bro G. Crossley, PPJGW

2017   W Bro WW Telfer

2018   W Bro JW Cox

2019 +W Bro MG Scouler

2020   W Bro W Telfer (as SW)
2021   W Bro W Telfer
2022   W Bro E Mitchinson 

Past Masters in the Lodge

W Bro IJ Wells PPGPurs (Middx) PM 9261 (93)

W Bro KG Lancaster PPJGD, PM 2039 (93)

W Bro JS Levett PPJGD, PM 2975 (03)

W Bro K Taylor PPAGDC PM 2975 (07)

W Bro E Mitchinson PM 2039 (85)

W Bro LM White PPJGW, PM 4224 (88,05)

W Bro E Emms PPJGW, PM 4224 (90)

W Bro A Wilson PPJGW, PM 4224 (01,13, 19,20,21)

W Bro A McKenzie PPAGReg, PM 4224 (01,13)

W Bro E Weightman PPAGDC, PM 4224 (02)

W Bro B Rogers PPSGD, PM 4224 (06,12)

W Bro S Hanby PPGReg PM 4224 (07)

W Bro KM Allen PM 4224, (15,16

Honorary Members

Bro S Mannion, Lord Barnard Lodge No 2935

W Bro I Wardle, PM Nautilus Lodge No 4259

W Bro J Cummings, PPGSuptWks, PM 2039, 6859

W Bro P Cowling PPJGW, PM Lodge of Loyalty No 8635

W Bro FR Pearce PPJGW PM Lodge of Loyalty No 8635

W Bro JS Levett PPJGD, PM 2975 (03)

If you are already a Mason who is unattached from a lodge or if you have relocated to Sunderland or its surrounding areas, you would be very welcome to join our Lodge.